
Fusionbase not only provides stream access to a large number of data sources but also to a large number of intelligent data services.

Our Data Service API functions as an interface that delivers specific outputs in response to defined inputs. It is designed to streamline the process of retrieving targeted data efficiently and accurately.

Example: Web Context Service for Organizations

Functionality: The Web Context Service for Organizations is a specialized feature of our Data Service API. It is engineered to collect and return comprehensive, publicly available information about various companies.

How It Works:

  • Input: You provide the base data of an organization.

  • Process: The service searches through an extensive database of public records and digital resources.

  • Output: It returns a detailed compilation of information about the specified company. This may include company size, location, industry, and other relevant organizational data.

Use Case: This service is particularly useful for market researchers, financial analysts, and business development professionals who need quick and reliable access to company profiles and industry data.

All services work the exact same way - No need to learn and adapt to a lot of different API services and documentations.

There is only a single endpoint to access services through Fusionbase:

Invoke data service


Takes the service specific input values and returns the result of the service.

Request Body




The service ID as specified on the service's API page.



JSON object containing the key (input parameter name) and value pairs to invoke the data service.


All services are used in the exact same way. Let's take the Web Context Service for Organizations as an example on how to use them via the API.

The Company Web Context Service is designed to retrieve and compile comprehensive internet-based information about specific companies.

Key Features:

  • Input Parameters: The service requires four input values: entity_name, postal_code, street and city

  • Service ID: This service is identified by the ID 4658603456.

Example Usage: To invoke this service for "OroraTech GmbH" located in the zip code area "81669", a POST request can be made as follows:

curl -X "POST" "" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-d $'{
"inputs": {
    "entity_name": "OroraTech GmbH",
    "postal_code": "81669",
    "street": "St. Martin Straße 112",
    "city": "München"
"service_key": "4658603456" # THE ID OF THE SERVICE

Last updated

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